The Infinite Motion


"We've always done it that way"

How many times have you heard that? We got sick of it.


+1 (647) 767-5889

Infinite Motion was born out of the frustration we encountered when scanning the current state of preventative and rehabilitative care.

We set out to create a system of care that aimed to prevent injuries, while simultaneously optimizing human movement and posture. As licensed doctors of chiropractic, we began our journey with a strong foundation of musculoskeletal knowledge and clinical skills. Then we started building.

By immersing ourselves in the most current scientific research in movement and manual medicine, we were able to pin point what we believe are the essential elements of sustained movement integrity. We further fine-tuned our manual medicine skills by obtaining certifications in the latest myofascial treatment and joint conditioning techniques.

Now, we want to help you reach your movement goals.

Here's how we do it:


An Infinite Motion practitioner will spend some quality time with you to understand what is holding you back. A complete musculoskeletal assessment is performed on every new patient. This comprehensive exam allows us to pinpoint movement deficiencies, structural imbalances and possible sources of pain.

Our assessment includes range of motion and tissue tension evaluation, as well as tests for the integrity of your joints.

Manual Medicine

The Infinite Motion experience offers a unique blend of spinal manipulative therapy, targeted myofascial release and mobility training. An integral part of our treatment is patient education. We use the latest technology to keep you informed on your treatment and progress.


Functional range conditioning is a world-renowned mobility training program designed to help you keep moving. As FRC mobility specialists, we incorporate this system into all treatment programs. Our aim is to help you obtain articular control and pain free movement for life.

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